fisiocrem takes five with… Ana


What is your greatest sporting achievement?

I started running three years ago after the birth of my third child. 5 marathons, 20 half marathons and countless other races I couldn’t pick a single greatest achievement.

When was the first time that you realised that your sport was becoming your passion?

When I started seeing others inspired by my achievements and I could help them push themselves to reach their goals.

What is your favourite part of competing?

The wonderful support of the running community. I love going to events and seeing so many of my friends out there reaping the rewards of their hard work.

What does a standard days training consist of?

I train 7 days. 3 weights/core sessions, 4 runs with a mixture of intervals, threshold and long runs.

What is the most important aspect of your training?

Consistency. Getting out there day in day out and being focused on my goal.

What does a standard post-event recovering consist of?

I always go straight to the RMA fisiocrem recovery tent. That is the single most important step to my recovery. I see my friends, I get the sore bits sorted straight up and I have a big drink of water and some food.

What is your ultimate sporting goal?

Definitely a Boston qualifier and then Comrades.

Who is your sporting idol and why?

So many to choose from but my locals are my favourites Nicole Bunyon, Jodie Oborne, Cassie Fien, Solly Litchfield and Christie McKay.

What advice would you give to someone that is interested in taking up your sport?

Anyone can run. Start slow then build up to longer distances. If you’re a Mum join Running Mums Australia, the support is incredible!

Juggling three small children, work and training.

What’s your favourite thing about fisiocrem (‘that it’s free’ is not the correct answer!)?

I love that I can wear it to work and it’s not oily and not obvious. I have a handbag size tube in my bag and the big one at home!

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