Athlete Sponsorship Request

At fisiocrem, we are passionate and committed to supporting Australians to live a happy, healthy and active lifestyle through sports they are most passionate about. Here at fisiocrem, we love to support athletes of all abilities and across many different sports.
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The Purple Army

Was created for everyday athletes, who work hard to push down barriers and climb mountains. As a community, we uplift and support our team members while providing the muscle relief you need to achieve your goals.

Who Can Apply for Sponsorship?

Any and every athlete who is working towards their goals. Whether you’re aiming for a world championship or on your way to running your first 5k – we want to recognise the hard work and dedication you put into your goals so that you can keep yourself motivated and keep your muscles feelin’ good!

We’re all about spreading love, so we value kind and respectful individuals who will join us in creating a loving and supportive community. You must be an Australian resident and love fisiocrem, of course!

How it works?

When working together we can make magic happen! Athlete sponsorships are a 2- way street, below are some details on what is expected in exchange for sponsorship. Athletes will receive top ups of fisiocrem and fisiocrem apparel every two months in return for the following requirements:

  • Athletes must follow @fisiocremaustralia
  • 3 quality social media photos per month featuring fisiocrem or fisiocrem apparel tagging @fisiocremaustralia, #hurtingsucks and #fisiocremaustralia
  • 2 Instagram stories per month featuring fisiocrem or fisiocrem apparel tagging @fisiocremaustralia.
  • Add fisiocrem Australia to your Instagram bio

We also ask that you train and compete in fisiocrem gear as much as possible! And since you already love purple tube, spread the word about fisiocrem to your friends, family, team members, neighbours… you get it.

fisiocrem will also promote athletes across social media platforms and the fisiocrem Australia website. We are unable to provide cash sponsorships, so please only apply if you are looking for a product-only sponsorship. If you’d like to throw your hat in the ring, go ahead and fill out the fisiocrem sponsored athlete application form!

  1. We require that you do not have a concurrent sponsorship with any other pain relief company, while being sponsored by us.
  2. Sponsorship is for a 12-month period. Sponsored athletes will be required to report back every two (2) months via the top-up request, advising on the activities that have taken place so that we can keep track of the sponsorship and send out your top-up product should you qualify.
  3. Your instagram profile must always be set to public.
  4. fisiocrem Australia will only consider applications for athletes living in Australia, and over the age of 16.
  5. Three (3) quality social media posts per month + two (2) Instagram Stories need to be completed each month in order to be eligible for a top-up. Should these requirements not be met, please perform the task over the next two months and then request your top-up. Should your content not be of the quality expected we have the right to deny your fisiocrem top-up. View content examples below:


  6. fisiocrem has the right to remove any athlete from sponsorship at its own discretion. We invest in our athletes by providing you free products to meet your goals, and we expect that same reciprocation to promote fisiocrem. Without that reciprocation you will lose your sponsorship.
  7. Please also ensure you are producing quality content that engages your audience and content that we can re-share.
Sponsored Athlete Request Form
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Our Athletes

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