Introducing fisiocrem sponsored athlete Robyn, a 72-year-old running enthusiast based in sunny Queensland.

Robyn’s favourite activity at present is running, specifically parkruns. Robyn and her husband do a lot of travelling and completed several parkruns in Tasmania recently.

Robyn’s biggest achievement is completing the Queenstown Marathon at age 67 and securing first place in her age category. Robyn says, “I hadn’t run before, but I thought I would like to be involved.” Since then, she’s run several marathons on the Gold Coast, Noosa, Sunshine Coast and New Zealand. Robyn’s first Gold Coast Marathon involved her running in a Charity Group called Hummingbird House (a hospital for terminally ill children). 

Robyn says her biggest supporter is, “My daughter Rebecca, who initially pushed me into running 10 years ago. Along with my husband Shane, who is an amputee and can’t run but supports me in my running.” Robyn says, “I have now run 156 parkruns which I thoroughly love doing. It helps with my regular event training.” Her grandkids also support her running journey because they love having a nanny who runs. 

Robyn says, “I conquered my Gold Coast Marathon goals earlier this month all thanks to my training, it really paid off.” She ran the 5km race and placed 3rd in her age group. Afterwards, she participated in the 10km race, achieving a personal best and securing 1st place in her age category. She didn’t expect these results with so many runners competing across the race weekend. Robyn aims to reach Perth by the end of the year with her virtual run around Australia. She’s also considering participating in another event later in the year to push her limits.


Robyn’s top recovery tips are, “Hydration, definitely some form of stretching, rest and good nutrition to keep the body moving.” 

fisiocrem Solugel vs fisiocrem Joint Ease

When it comes to managing pain, from sore muscles, sprains, or mild arthritis, selecting the right topical treatment can greatly improve your comfort and recovery.

fisiocrem Australia offers two effective topical products: fisiocrem Solugel and fisiocrem Joint Ease. In this blog, we will discuss the differences between the two gels. We will also discuss their benefits and answer common questions about relieving muscle and mild joint pain.

fisiocrem Solugel - Muscle pain relief

Crafted to alleviate muscle-related pain and mild sports injuries. fisiocrem Solugel offers relief for a diverse range of individuals. This includes people with back pain from work, muscle pain, and health professionals looking for treatment options for clients.

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Contains 5 Active Ingredients:

fisiocrem Solugel expertly combines five powerful active ingredients: Arnica, Hypericum, Calendula, Melaleuca, and Menthol. The ingredients are carefully balanced to help relieve muscle pain, speed up recovery after exercise, and work together simultaneously. This precise formulation also ensures that the product remains non-greasy and absorbs well into the skin.

A clinical study has shown that the specific percentages of these active ingredients deliver effective results. Since its development, we have adhered to this formula, ensuring consistent, high-quality muscle pain relief. Our commitment to maintaining this original formula ensures that fisiocrem Solugel continues to provide the reliable results our customers depend on (Ramon et al, 2022).

Key Benefits:

  • Aids in the healing of minor bod tissue injuries
  • Relieve symptoms of soft body tissue trauma
  • Helps in the healing of minor muscle injuries
  • Relieve mild muscle inflammation
  • Helps in the management of muscle sprain and strain
  • Relieve muscle pain and soreness
  • Relieve bruise pain and swelling
  • Helps improve muscle recovery time

You can use fisiocrem Solugel alongside blood-thinning medications.

fisiocrem Joint Ease - Mild arthritis pain relief

Formulated to target specific joint concerns including mild joint pain, mild arthritis relief, and mild osteoarthritis. fisiocrem Joint Ease caters to the needs of individuals, particularly the elderly and those facing joint health challenges. fisiocrem Joint Ease is for those seeking a reliable option for improved mobility and joint comfort.

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Contains 7 Active Ingredients:

fisiocrem Joint Ease features the same 5 active ingredients as fisiocrem Solugel, plus 2 additional botanical ingredients: Boswellia and Nigella. The original actives found within fisiocrem Solugel are in lower percentages within fisiocrem Joint Ease. This is to avoid diminishing the effectiveness of the new additional botanical ingredients. This balanced formulation also ensures the gel remains non-greasy, absorbs well into the skin, and provides maximum comfort.

Key Benefits:

  • Relieve mild joint aches and pains
  • Relieve symptoms of mild arthritis and mild osteoarthritis
  • Helps promote healthy joint function
  • Relieve mild joint inflammation and swelling
  • Maintain joint mobility and flexibility
  • Relieve mild joint pain and soreness
  • Helps improve joint mobility
  • Relieve mild joint stiffness

What do both products do?

Both fisiocrem Solugel and fisiocrem Joint Ease are topical anti-inflammatories, suitable for use alongside oral anti-inflammatories or diclofenac tablets.

Before using our products, talk to your doctor if you are taking medications or have health conditions. This will ensure that it is suitable for you. Your doctor can provide guidance on whether our products are suitable for you based on your individual health needs.

Comparing fisiocrem Solugel and fisiocrem Joint Ease

Both products provide pain relief, but their formulations cater to different needs.

fisiocrem Solugel is best suited for muscle pain, such as soreness from physical activity or minor muscle injuries.

fisiocrem Joint Ease relieves mild joint pain and reduces symptoms of mild arthritis, like joint stiffness. This makes it an excellent option for individuals dealing with these joint-related conditions.

Pain Management with fisiocrem Products

Managing pain effectively often requires a combination of treatments. Here are some tips for getting the most out of fisiocrem products:

  • Regular Application: Consistently applying the gel to the affected area can help maintain pain relief and support healing.
  • Gentle Massage: Gently massaging the gel into the skin can improve absorption and enhance its effects.
  • Using fisiocrem along with other treatments like physiotherapy, stretching, and rest can help manage pain effectively.

Choosing the right pain relief cream can significantly impact your comfort and recovery. Whether you’re dealing with muscle pain or mild arthritis, fisiocrem Solugel and fisiocrem Joint Ease are effective treatment options that fit your needs. Understanding the differences and benefits of each product helps you make better decisions and manage your pain more effectively.

You can find both fisiocrem Solugel and fisiocrem Joint Ease, Australian pain relief products, in stores nationwide.

FAQs: Answering Your Questions on Pain Relief

What is the best ointment for muscular and mild joint pain?

fisiocrem Solugel is more suitable for muscular pain.

We recommend fisiocrem Joint Ease for mild joint pain, including mild arthritis and mild osteoarthritis.

What are the best ways to get rid of muscle pain?

Regularly using a muscle pain cream like fisiocrem Solugel can help reduce muscle pain. Resting, staying hydrated, and doing gentle stretches are also beneficial. These actions can all work together to alleviate muscle pain.

What are some ointments that are good for mild joint pain?

fisiocrem Joint Ease specifically targets mild joint pain and provides effective relief for mild arthritis, supporting joint health.

What is the best cream for a sprained ankle?

For a sprained ankle, fisiocrem Solugel can help reduce inflammation and pain, promoting faster recovery.

Anti-inflammatory creams and gels – Do they work?

Yes, anti-inflammatory creams and gels like fisiocrem Solugel and fisiocrem Joint Ease can effectively reduce inflammation and provide temporary pain relief.

What is an anti-inflammatory cream?

An anti-inflammatory cream contains ingredients that help reduce inflammation and swelling in the affected area, providing pain relief and promoting healing.

What is the best soothing gel for muscle pain?

fisiocrem Solugel is an excellent choice for soothing muscle pain because of its blend of active ingredients.

Which is the best pain relieving cream?

fisiocrem Solugel and fisiocrem Joint Ease are both effective topical treatments. The choice depends on whether the pain is muscular or joint related.

How do pain relief creams relieve pain?

Pain relief creams absorb into the skin to bring anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving ingredients to the affected area.

Which pain relieving cream works best for mild arthritis?

fisiocrem Joint Ease is specifically formulated to temporarily relieve mild arthritis. It also supports overall joint health and helps to reduce pain.

How does pain relief gel work?

The skin absorbs pain relief gels, delivering ingredients that reduce inflammation and relieve pain in the specific area.


  1. Ramon et al Ortho & Rheum Open Access J 20(1): OROAJ.MS.ID.556028 (2022) This study was funded by fisiocrem.

Introducing fisiocrem sponsored athlete Matilda, a 26-year-old based on the Gold Coast, who is an age group triathlete competing in amateur level races throughout the year. Matilda’s favourite activity is triathlons. She is planning her upcoming events for the year and aiming to smash a PB time.

Matilda is currently training for the half marathon at the Gold Coast Marathon. She plans to achieve this goal by gradually increasing her mileage, focusing on consistent, steady improvements. Held every March, she has participated in this event for three consecutive years. She says, “It’s one of the bigger races with a great atmosphere, lots of people, and a strong sense of community.” Mentally, she reminds herself of all the work she has done to get to this point, focusing on the process and believing in her ability to succeed.

A memorable experience for Matilda was finishing the Noosa Tri for the first time. It was her first Olympic distance triathlon, taking over three hours to complete. Matilda says, “Crossing the finish line, just six months after starting in the sport, was an unforgettable and incredibly rewarding moment.”

She trains with a coach and a training club, where they motivate and support each other. Her coach, Marcus, pushes and supports everyone to achieve their goals. Matilda says her biggest supporter is, “My coach and family, they are always motivating me to be my best and cheer me over the finish line.”


Matilda’s top recovery tips are, “To actually take the time to stop and recover. My favourite thing is to go home, just chill out, lie down and rest.”

Seasonal Changes and the effect on mild arthritis

Seasonal changes can indeed have a profound impact on individuals with mild arthritis and mild osteoarthritis (Mori et al. 2019). Different weather conditions, such as temperature, pressure, humidity, sunshine, clouds, wind, and rain, can affect mild arthritis symptoms. Therefore, adapting lifestyle strategies to manage mild arthritis effectively throughout the year is important (Iikuni et al. 2007).

As winter sets in, many patients experience a noticeable uptick in musculoskeletal symptoms. This increase in discomfort because of the cold weather, can trigger muscle spasms and reduce blood circulation, causing joint pain and stiffness (Mori et al. 2019). Research shows that colder temperatures can increase pain levels and stiffness in joints (Aikman, 1997).

Understanding the effect of seasonality on joint pain is integral to developing effective management strategies (Mori et al. 2019).

In this article, we’ll explore the intricate relationship between cold weather and mild arthritis, offering practical tips to help you navigate the winter season with greater comfort. We will also introduce you to fisiocrem Joint Ease. A topical solution that helps with mild osteoarthritis, mild arthritis, mild joint pain, and inflammation.

Understanding Cold Weather & Mild Arthritis:

Cold weather can be particularly harsh on those with mild arthritis, intensifying pain and stiffness associated with the condition. The physiological response to cold temperatures plays a significant role in aggravating symptoms.

When exposed to cold air, our blood vessels constrict, reducing blood flow to the extremities of the body such as the hands and feet. The decrease in temperature can increase sensitivity and pain causing the joints to feel stiffer (Cheung, 2015).

Additionally, fluctuations in barometric pressure, often accompanying cold fronts, can further contribute to joint discomfort. An increase in barometric pressure may cause joint discomfort to become more evident (Wu et al. 2022).

The weather not only affects the conditions of mild osteoarthritis symptomsbut it also affects the ease and willingness of patients to seek medical treatment. Heavy rains, snow and intense winds may make visiting health professionals increasingly difficult for patients. Moreover, extreme cold weather may also affect a person’s willingness to engage in outdoor activities (Wu et al. 2022).

Tips for Managing Mild Arthritis in Winter:

1: Stay Warm:

Ensuring proper insulation against the cold is vital for easing mild winter joint pain. Wearing warm clothes, layering, and using heated blankets can preserve body heat and ease joint pain. Remember to cover areas that are prone to pain to stay comfortable during the colder months. Wearing warmer clothes in cold weather can help manage mild arthritis and mild joint pain during winter (Mori et al. 2019).

2: Maintain Physical Activity:

While it may be tempting to hibernate indoors during winter, staying active is crucial for managing mild arthritis. Low-impact exercises such as walking, swimming, or yoga can help maintain joint flexibility and strengthen surrounding muscles (Kettunen et al. 2004). 

Need support in staying active with mild arthritis?

Join a virtual group exercise program designed to boost physical activity levels. From home, engage in weekly live sessions led by knowledgeable instructors, guiding personalised routines. The 12-week program offers support, motivation, and resources to seamlessly integrate safe exercises. These tailored exercises help to alleviate discomfort for a more manageable lifestyle.

Warm Socks for Arthritis
Exercises for arthritis

3: Topical mild arthritis pain relief creams or gels

Topical anti-inflammatory and analgesic creams can help provide relief for mild arthritis, mild osteoarthritis and mild joint pain. Topical creams and gels tend to have fewer side effects when compared to oral medications (Jurca et al. 2020). 

Applying a topical mild arthritis pain relief cream directly to the affected joints can help alleviate discomfort and reduce inflammation, allowing for improved mobility and comfort. 

You can find fisiocrem Joint Ease online or at your local pharmacy, and Chemist Warehouse.

fisiocrem Joint Ease contains active ingredients including Boswellia and Nigella. It provides temporary relief for mild arthritis and mild joint pain. 

Nigella Sativa oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects helping to relieve mild joint pain and swelling (Mahboubi et al. 2018). Boswellia Serrata can help reduce swelling, and pain and ease stiffness (Etzel, 1996).

fisiocrem Joint Ease can help you to keep you moving and feel more comfortable during the winter season. 

Incorporating this topical mild arthritis cream into your daily routine can help you manage your symptoms. Enhance your overall well-being during the colder months with fisiocrem Joint Ease. 

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As winter arrives, managing mild arthritis and mild joint pain becomes a top priority for many. Understanding how cold weather affects mild arthritis symptoms and using proactive strategies can help reduce discomfort and make winter more comfortable. 

Remember, fisiocrem is here to support you on your journey, providing topical relief when you need it most


Why is mild arthritis worse in winter?

Cold weather can cause blood vessels to constrict, leading to increased joint stiffness and pain.

Does cold weather affect mild arthritis?

Yes, changes in temperature and barometric pressure can exacerbate symptoms of mild arthritis.

What are your top tips for dealing with mild arthritis pain in winter?

Stay warm, stay active, and consider incorporating topical pain relief gels like fisiocrem Joint Ease into your routine.

How to treat mild joint pain in the winter?

Focus on warmth, exercise, and topical remedies to alleviate discomfort and improve mobility.

Is mild arthritis worse in winter or summer?

While both seasons present challenges, many individuals report increased pain and stiffness during the colder months.


  1. Aikman, H. (1997). International Journal of Biometeorology40(4), 192–199. 
  2. Cheung, S. S. (2015). Responses of the hands and feet to cold exposure. Temperature2(1), 105–120. 
  3. Etzel, R. (1996). Phytomedicine, 3(1), 91-94.
  4. Jurca, T., Józsa, L., Suciu, R., Pallag, A., Marian, E., Bácskay, I., Muresan, M., Liana Stan, R., Cevei, M., Cioara, F., Vicas, L., Fehér, P. (2020). Molecules, 26(1). 
  5. Kettunen, J. A., & Kujala, U. M. (2004). Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports14(3), 138–142. 
  6. Iikuni, N., Nakajima, A., Inoue, E., Tanaka, E., Okamoto, H., Hara, M., Tomatsu, T., Kamatani, N., Yamanaka, H. (2007). Volume 46(5) 846-848. 
  7. Mahboubi, M., Mohammad Taghizadeh Kashani, Leila., Mahboubi, M. (2018). Phytomedicine, 46, 69-77.  
  8. Mori, H., Sawada, T., Nishiyama, S., Shimada, K., Tahara, K., Hayashi, H., Kato, E., Tago, M., Matsui, T., Tohma, S. (2019). BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders20(1). 
  9. Wu, R.-Y., Pan, R.-H., Wu, C.-Y., Chan, C.-L., & Yeh, H.-J. (2022). BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders23(1).

Meet fisiocrem sponsored athlete Jodie, who cherishes the freedom of running, along with making meaningful connections. Jodie deeply values a sense of family that her running groups offer the local community. 

As a running coach, Jodie sees her athletes’ accomplishments as her own. While embracing the high and lows, Jodie sets out a specialised path for each of her athletes.

Jodie’s biggest achievement came when she conquered the Bravehearts 777 Marathon event (7 marathons in 7 days, across 7 states) as a National Runner. Her goal was to support such an charity that offers support, guidance, and training to future generations of remarkable individuals.⁠ Jodie managed to hit her goals and cross the finish line alongside other extraordinary people.  Jodie believes that children deserve a normal childhood without fear or limitations, as so she decided to complete the Bravehearts 777 Marathon to give back. 

Jodie says, “I feel supported by so many family members and friends, but my biggest support comes from my Mother and Daughter.”

Jodie is preparing for this year’s fisiocrem GC30 and has incorporated a variety of terrains into her regime such as: flat surfaces, sandy trails, and uneven ground. She says, “the fisiocrem GC30 offers a beautiful and challenging experience, showcasing the stunning Gold Coast seaway and trails.”

She is also preparing herself for the GC Kokoda Youth Challenge 96km event in July. Jodie will also compete in the Trail Trips: Wild Earth Triple Crown later this year and will be representing fisiocrem in three events simultaneously and looks forward to planning her training schedule and embracing the increased trail running as part of this exciting journey.


Jodie’s top recovery tips are, “Consuming the right proteins, gentle stretching and elevating my legs to allow blood flow and mitigate swelling.” 

Introduction to Mild Osteoarthritis Pain

Mild Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease that affects millions of people worldwide (Sinusas, 2012). It occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of your bones wears down over time. As a result, the bones begin to rub against each other, leading to pain, stiffness, and swelling in the affected joints. Mild osteoarthritis pain can significantly impact daily activities and quality of life, making effective pain management crucial.

The Role of Topical Creams in Pain Management

Topical creams offer a convenient and non-invasive way to manage mild osteoarthritis pain. Topical creams and gels are applied directly to the skin over the affected area, delivering targeted pain relief.

These creams can contain various active ingredients, such as menthol, nigella, or capsaicin (Sinusas, 2012). These actives work by numbing the nerves or reducing inflammation in the joints (Mahboubi, 2017).

Topical creams can alleviate pain and stiffness, enhancing joint range of motion for individuals with mild osteoarthritis (Gemmell et al., 2003)(Kraemer et al., 2004).

Introduction to fisiocrem Joint Ease

fisiocrem Joint Ease is a topical cream/gel specifically formulated to provide temporary relief from symptoms associated with mild osteoarthritis pain. Its contains menthol and naturally derived active ingredients, including nigella, boswellia, arnica, calendula, hypericum, and melaleuca. We carefully selected these ingredients for their anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Osteoarthritis Pain Relief Cream

Our hero active Ingredients found within fisiocrem Joint Ease

Nigella Sativa Oil helps to protect cartilage from damage and effectively relieve pain  as an anti-inflammatory for individuals with mild osteoarthritis (Kooshki et al., 2016)(Azizi et al., 2019)(Ghamari, et al., 2023).

Boswellia helps alleviate pain and stiffness, improves joint function, and reduces swelling, providing effective relief for individuals suffering from mild osteoarthritis. This active ingredient work together to provide comprehensive relief for those experiencing the discomfort and limitations associated with mild osteoarthritis (Bannuru et al., 2018)(Kimmatkar et al., 2003).

Efficacy of fisiocrem Joint Ease in Relieving Mild Osteoarthritis Pain

fisiocrem Joint Ease offers multiple benefits for individuals suffering from mild osteoarthritis pain. It helps reduce swelling and inflammation in the joints and provides relief from pain. Additionally, fisiocrem Joint Ease supports tissue repair and regeneration, helping to maintain joint health and mobility over time.

How fisiocrem Joint Ease Enhances Joint Function and Mobility

In addition to providing pain relief, fisiocrem Joint Ease helps enhance joint function and mobility. The active ingredients work together to promote healthy joint function and maintaining flexibility. fisiocrem Joint Ease supports overall joint health and reduces the symptoms of stiffness and immobility associated with mild osteoarthritis.

fisiocrem Joint Ease can assist individuals with mild osteoarthritis in staying active and mobile, whether as part of a daily routine or for acute pain flare-ups.

Using fisiocrem Joint Ease for Mild Osteoarthritis Pain Relief

fisiocrem Joint Ease is a simple and effective mild osteoarthritis treatment, designed to be applied directly to the affected area as needed. Easy to use, it involves massaging a small amount of cream into the skin over the painful joint until fully absorbed. For optimal results in managing mild osteoarthritis pain, we recommend integrating fisiocrem Joint Ease into your regular treatment routine.

If you have sensitive skin, test this product on a small area of skin before applying it to a larger area.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How long does it take to experience relief with fisiocrem Joint Ease?

The time it takes to feel relief from fisiocrem Joint Ease varies for each person. Many users report feeling the effects shortly after applying it. To achieve optimal results, we recommend using the cream regularly as part of your pain management routine.

2. Can fisiocrem Joint Ease be used alongside other medications?

fisiocrem Joint Ease can be used alongside some medications including warfarin and oral anti-inflammatories. However, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure compatibility with any existing treatments or medications.

3. Are there any side effects associated with fisiocrem Joint Ease?

While fisiocrem Joint Ease is well-tolerated by most individuals, some people may experience mild skin irritation or allergic reactions. If you experience any adverse effects, discontinue use immediately and consult with a healthcare professional.

For added safety, it is advisable to conduct a patch test as a safety measure. Just apply a small amount of the product to a small area of skin before using it on a larger area. This method helps to ensure that the product is well-tolerated by the individual prior to broader application.

4. Where can I purchase fisiocrem Joint Ease?

fisiocrem Joint Ease mild osteoarthritis pain relief cream is available for purchase online and at select retailers.


  1. Azizi, F., Ghorat, F., Rakhshani, M., Rad, M. (2019). Journal of Herbal Medicine, 16.
  2. Bannuru, R., Osani, M., Al-Eid, F., Wang, C. (2018). 48(3), 416-429. Retrieved from
  3. Gemmell, H., Jacobson, B., Hayes, B. (2003). Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 26(5) 322
  4. Ghamari, M., Salari, M., & Khodashahi, M. (2023). Traditional and Integrative Medicine, 8(3).
  5. Kimmatkar, N., Thawani, V., Hingorani, L., Khiyani, R. (2003). Phytomedicine, 10(1), 3-7.
  6. Kooshki, A., Forouzan, R., Rakhshani, M., & Mohammadi, M. (2016). A Crossover Clinical Trial, 8(11) 3193-3197
  7. Kraemer, W., Ratamess, N., Anderson, J., Maresh, C., Tiberio, D., Joyce, M., Messinger, B., French, D., Rubin, M., Gomez, A., Volek, J., Hesslink, R. (2004). Retrieved from
  8. Mahboubi, M. (2017). Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 26, 1-4.
  9. Sinusas, K. (2012). American family Physician, 85(1) 49-56
  10. Yu, G., Xiang, W., Zhang, T., Zeng, L., Yang, K., & Li, J. (2020). BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies20(1).

Meet fisiocrem sponsored athlete Amy, who loves to push her limits both physically and mentally. She finds herself seeking new challenges to grow in all aspects of her life.

Currently, Amy’s favourite activity is marathon running. She finds fulfillment in the challenge of completing a 42.2km race.  

In 2023, Amy’s main goal was to enhance her parkrun time and performance. Although she didn’t achieve all her goals, she gained valuable insights into the significance of consistency, patience, and resilience. Each race and training session provided new lessons about her capabilities, contributing to her growth as a stronger and more experienced runner.

Amy is registered for this year’s fisiocrem GC30 and attempting to complete the 15km race distance in May. She is also planning to pace the 2hr marker in the Sydney Marathon. To ensure her success, Amy’s training plan includes speed work, long runs, strength training, and sufficient rest.

She is also prioritising injury prevention and recovery to keep her body strong and healthy throughout 2024.

Amy’s most significant fitness accomplishment was qualifying for the Boston Marathon. This feat required eight months of focused training, discipline, and perseverance. She followed a structured training regimen, progressively increasing her mileage with specific speed workouts and long runs.  This assisted her mentally and physically for the race. Amy also achieved a time with a comfortable buffer that allowed her entry into the Boston Marathon the following year.


Amy’s top recovery tips are, “Proper hydration, nutrition, sleep, and active recovery techniques such as foam rolling, stretching, and massages.” 

Relieve Inflammation: 10 Effective Tips for Muscle & Joint Pain Management

Relieve inflammation with our comprehensive guide to managing muscle and joint pain effectively.

What causes inflammation in the body? Numerous factors can contribute to inflammation, with common culprits including mild arthritis, altered muscle usage, or injury (Tidball, 2005). Signs include redness, swelling, heat, pain and a loss of function (Hawiger et al., 2019).

Coping with muscle and joint pain can profoundly affect your overall quality of life. Fortunately, there are effective ways to manage inflammation and alleviate discomfort. Discover 10 actionable tips to alleviate discomfort and enhance your well-being.

1. Embrace the Power of Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Nutrition is a considerable and changeable risk factor that can cause inflammation (Hess et al., 2021).

Incorporating dietary components like fibre, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids can effectively reduce inflammation symptoms such as swelling and pain (Hess et al., 2021). Focus on incorporating fruits, berries, vegetables (leafy greens and tomatoes), nuts and whole grains into your diet (Wu et al., 2012).

Steer clear of saturated fats and sodium as they can lead to increased levels of inflammation (Hess et al., 2021).

2. Stay Hydrated for Joint Health

Water is a major component of body fluids. These include that of blood and synovial joint fluid, both of these components perform vital functions in the body (Benelam et al., 2010).

Water in synovial fluids lubricates and cushions joints, making movement smoother and reducing friction (Benelam et al., 2010).

Individuals’ water needs vary based on factors like body size, composition, environment, and physical activity levels.

3. Regular Exercise

Physical activity can help to protect against numerous diseases (Ford, 2001). Engaging in regular physical exercise reduces the risk of obesity, and thus reduces inflammation in the body (Wilund, 2007)(Metsios et al., 2020).

Low-impact activities like swimming, cycling, and yoga can help strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and reduce stiffness. Just be sure to listen to your body and avoid activities that exacerbate your pain.

4. Get Sufficient Quality Sleep

Inadequate sleep or sleep deprivation can cause an inflammatory response. Changes in sleep patterns from lifestyle, aging, or illness can lead to more inflammation, affecting overall health (Simpson et al., 2007).

Be sure to get adequate sleep and establish healthy sleep habits. It can help lower inflammation and boost your overall well-being (Simpson et al., 2007).

Aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night to allow your body ample time to repair and recover. Establish a relaxing bedtime routine and create a comfortable sleep environment to promote restorative rest.

Anti Inflammatory Berries
Regular Exercise

5. Incorporate Supplements Wisely

Certain supplements can complement your efforts and assist with the treatment of inflammation.

Glucosamine has been a supplement widely used to treat mild osteoarthritis and joint diseases characterised by cartilage degeneration. Glucosamine suppresses inflammatory cell activation thus helping to reduce inflammation (Nagaoka et al., 2011).

Chondroitin sulfate helps to reduce joint swelling and creates an anti-inflammatory effect within the body (Iovu et al., 2008).

Turmeric is a supplement traditionally used for its anti-inflammatory properties (Lantz et al., 2005). Turmeric can help relieve joint & muscle inflammation.

Consulting with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplements to your regimen is essential.

6. Practice Mindfulness and Stress Reduction Techniques

Stress can cause inflammation in the body. Doing activities like meditation, deep breathing, and muscle relaxation can lower stress and make you feel more relaxed (Black et al., 2002).

Engaging in activities you enjoy, like hobbies or being outdoors, can you a mental break and ease stress.

7. Maintain a Healthy Weight

Inflammation is closely linked to obesity. Carrying excess weight puts added stress on your joints, contributing to inflammation and pain. By maintaining a healthy weight, you can reduce the burden on your joints and alleviate discomfort (Rodríguez-Hernández et al., 2013).

Adopt a healthy balanced diet and incorporate regular exercise into your routine to help maintain a healthy weight.

8. Cold Therapy

Cold therapies can help reduce pain, promote blood flow and reduce inflammation whilst delaying the onset of muscle soreness (Malanga et al., 2014).

9. Consider Physical Therapy

Physical therapy can be incredibly beneficial for managing inflammation and improving muscle mass and joint function. A physical therapist can help customise an exercise program that helps to prevent and reduce inflammation (Addison et al., 2012).

10. Topical rubs

Topical analgesic rubs are an inflammation treatment option that can help relieve pain, and swelling and promote recovery (Ramon et al., 2022).

fisiocrem Solugel helps to relieve inflammation of muscles and improve body tissue repair. The synergetic action of fisiocrem Solugel’s active ingredients (Arnica, Hypericum, Calendula, Melaleuca and Menthol) help to relieve pain, stimulate blood flow and reduce swelling.

Fisiocrem Solugel For Muscle Inflammation

fisiocrem Joint Ease helps to relieve mild joint inflammation and helps to promote healthy joint function. fisiocrem Joint Ease relieves mild osteoarthritis symptoms and is available online or at pharmacies, including Chemist Warehouse

Fisiocrem Joint Ease For Joint Inflammation

Dealing with muscle and joint pain caused by inflammation can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. By incorporating some of the above tips you can effectively manage inflammation and ease discomfort.

Consult a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your routine. Stay consistent and patient as you aim for relief.


  1. Addison, O., LaStayo, P., Dibble, L., Marcus, R. (2012). Inflammation, Aging, and Adiposity Implications for Physical therapists. Journal of geriatric physical therapy 35(2), 86-94.
  2. Benelam, B., & Wyness, L. (2010). Nutrition Bulletin35(1), 3–25.
  3. Black, P., Garbutt, L. (2002). Stress, inflammation and cardiovascular disease. Journal of psychosomatic research, 52(1), 1-23.
  4. Ford, E. (2001). Does Exercise Reduce Inflammation? Physical Activity and C-reactive protein among U.S. Adults. Epidemiology, 13(5), 561-568.
  5. Hawiger, J., & Zienkiewicz, J. (2019). Scandinavian Journal of Immunology90(6).
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Muscle and joint pain is a common complaint and a major health problem affecting the population (Bergman, 2007). This pain can significantly impact a personals daily life and activities. Pain can happen from exercise, getting older, or health problems.

This pain typically creates worse functional outcomes and can negatively impact a person’s quality of life (Kidd, 2006). Dealing with muscle and joint pain can be challenging, whether it’s a dull ache, sharp pain or persistent discomfort. This article discusses ways to reduce muscle and joint pain so you can move easily and without discomfort.


Before diving into remedies, it’s essential to understand the root causes of muscle and joint pain.

Muscle and joint pain, also called musculoskeletal pain, can happen all over the body for different reasons. Some factors that can be a cause of this pain include injuries, overuse, inflammation, medical conditions, and lifestyle choices (Schaible, et al., 2009)(Kidd, 2006).

This pain can affect anyone, from athletes to office workers. It can range from mild discomfort to severe agony. Identifying the underlying cause can help tailor treatment approaches for effective relief.

Common Causes of Muscle and Joint Pain

1. Injuries

Acute injuries like sprains & strains are common sporting injuries that can have varying severity (Järvinen et al., 2000). Other injuries that can cause significant muscle and joint pain include fractures, dislocations, contusions and lacerations (Järvinen et al., 2007). These injuries often occur during sports activities, accidents, or sudden movements that put excessive stress on the musculoskeletal system.

2. Overuse & strain

A primary reason for muscle and joint pain is overuse and strain. Overload as a result of poor technique, or repetitive movements performed incorrectly can result in microtrauma & muscle imbalance (Järvinen et al., 2007). Excessive physical activity, insufficient recovery, and under-preparedness can lead to muscle fatigue, micro-tears, and inflammation, resulting in pain and discomfort (Aicale et al., 2018).

3. Inflammation

Infection, injuries, or inflammatory conditions in the body can cause muscle and joint inflammation (Sherwood et al., 2004). The inflammatory response triggers pain receptors, causing discomfort and tenderness.

4. Mild Arthritis/Mild Osteoarthritis

Mild arthritis and mild osteoarthritis are a common cause of joint pain. Mild osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease characterised by damage to the cartilage of the joints. Mild arthritis can lead to stiffness, swelling, tenderness and reduced mobility of the joint (Neugebauer et al., 2007).

Symptoms of Muscle and Joint Pain

  1. Swelling – a swollen feeling in the joints or tissues of the body (Muhammad, 2007). Swelling also known as edema, is a build-up of fluid trapped in the body’s tissues (Trayes et al., 2013). Swollen joints and muscles may appear red, warm and tender to the touch, indicating an inflammatory response.
  2. Stiffness – joint stiffness commonly occurs after periods of inactivity or prolonged immobilisation. Stiffness in the joints is a common symptom associated with mild arthritis (Kean, et al., 2004).
  3. Redness – inflamed or irritated tissues can appear red signalling increased blood flow to the affected area.
  4. Limited movement – muscle and joint pain can make it hard to move and do daily tasks. Reduced flexibility and mobility may worsen with time if the proper treatment and management do not occur.

Treatment options for muscle and joint pain

Doctors may prescribe medications like NSAIDs (ibuprofen), and muscle relaxants to ease pain, reduce swelling, and improve mobility (Cohen et al., 2004).

Physical therapy – programs from licensed physical therapists can help strengthen muscles, improve flexibility and correct movement patterns, reducing pain and preventing further injuries (Stucki, 2000).

Topical analgesics – topical joint & muscle pain relief creams and gels can help with localised pain. Relieving joint and muscle pain, aches and stiffness (Van Laar et al., 2012). 

Severe joint pain may require surgery. Health professionals may recommend procedures like joint replacement or tendon repair to improve function and reduce pain (Sinusas et al, 2012).

Application of cold and heat therapy within 1hr post-exercise can reduce muscle pain and soreness (Wang et al., 2021). Heat therapy can help relieve mild joint pain and discomfort, and improve range of motion in winter (Hyun-Sook, 1995).

Other treatments like acupuncture, chiropractic care, and massage can help with muscle and joint pain relief (Parkinson et al., 2012). Massage therapy can help decrease pain, promote relaxation, increase blood flow, and relieve tension in the muscles (Frey Law et al., 2008).

If you experience aches and pains in muscles and joints, fisiocrem offers topical pain relief solutions.

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fisiocrem Solugel stands out as one of the best selling muscle pain relief creams in Australia. Find fisiocrem Solugel in your local pharmacy, Coles, Woolworths and Chemist Warehouse. 

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fisiocrem Joint Ease is a joint pain relief cream that helps to relieve joint stiffness and pain and promotes healthy joint mobility.

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Joint and muscle pain can make simple tasks difficult, thus highlighting the need for effective pain management strategies.

Lifestyle Changes & Preventative Measures to
Manage Muscle and Joint Pain

Balanced Diet & Hydration

Eating a balanced diet with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can reduce inflammation in the body. Hydration is important to help make the fluid that cushions and lubricates our joints, called synovial fluid (Benelam et al., 2010). Hydration is also beneficial for muscle strength recovery and overall cellular function (Harris et al., 2019). 

Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight with a good diet and exercise can reduce strain on the body and improve overall health. If you are overweight or obese, it can cause pain in your muscles and joints. This can lead to worse joint health and more problems with the lower extremities of the body like the ankles, feet, and knees (Smith et al., 2013). A strong association exists with being overweight/obese with mild osteoarthritis pain and disability (Tukker et al., 2008).

Posture & Ergonomics

Good posture and ergonomic workspaces can help prevent muscle strain, discomfort, and musculoskeletal issues.

Regular Exercise

Exercise helps strengthen muscles, improve heart health, reduce pain and stiffness, and lower injury risk. Exercise is important for overall health and well-being. Stretching and flexibility exercises can help reduce pain, improve mobility, enhance muscle flexibility, and decrease stiffness and tightness (Behm et al., 2021).

Rest & Recover

Resting and allowing your body to recover between workouts is crucial for preventing injuries, minimising muscle fatigue, and facilitating tissue repair and regeneration.

Balanced Diet
Muscle And Joint Pain Posture

In summary, dealing with joint and muscle pains is a widespread issue that can greatly affect everyday activities. By having an understanding of muscle and joint pain, individuals can take proactive steps to manage their symptoms, improve their quality of life, and prevent future problems.

Remember to consult with a healthcare professional for advice and treatment recommendations based on your specific needs.


  1. Aicale, R., Tarantino, D., & Maffulli, N. (2018). Overuse injuries in sport: a comprehensive overview. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research13(1).
  2. Behm, D. G., Kay, A. D., Trajano, G. S., Alizadeh, S., & Blazevich, A. J. (2021). Effects of Acute and Chronic Stretching on Pain Control. Journal of clinical exercise physiology, 10(4), 150-159
  3. Benelam, B., Wyness, L. (2010). Hydration and health: a review. Nutrition Bulletin, 35(1), 3-25.
  4. Bergman, S. (2007). Management of musculoskeletal pain. 21(1), 153 – 166.
  5. Cohen, S. P., Mullings, R., Abdi, S., & Warltier, D. C. (2004). The Pharmacologic Treatment of Muscle Pain. 101, 495-526.
  6. Frey Law, L., Evans, S., Knudtson, J., Nus, S., Scholl, K., Sluka, K. (2008). Massage Reduces Pain Perception and Hyperalgesia in Experimental Muscle Pain: A Randomized, Controlled Trial. The journal of pain, 9(8), 714 – 721.
  7. Harris, P., Keen, D., Constantopoulos, E., Weninger, S., Hines, E., Koppinger, M., Khalpey, Z. (2019). Fluid type influences acute hydration and muscle performance recovery in human subjects. Journal of the international society of sports nutrition, 16 (1). 
  8. Hyun-Sook, K. (1995). Journal of muscle & joint health, 2(2), 147-159.
  9. Järvinen, T., Järvinen, T., Kääriäinen, M., Aarimaa, V., Vaittinen, S., Kalimo, H., Järvinen, M. (2007). Muscle injuries: optimising recovery. 21(2), 317-331.
  10. Järvinen, T., Kääriäinen, M., Järvinen, M., Kalimo, H. (2000). Muscle strain injuries. Nonarticular rheumatism, sport-related injuries, and related conditions, 12(2), 155-161.
  11. Kean, W. F., Kean, R., & Buchanan, W. W. (2004). InflammoPharmacology12(1), 3–31.
  12. Kidd, B. (2006). Pain, 123(1), 6-9.
  13. Muhammad, Y. (2007). Role of central sensitization in symptoms beyond muscle pain, and the evaluation of a patient with widespread pain. 21(3), 481-497.
  14. Neugebauer, V., Han, J. S., Adwanikar, H., Fu, Y., & Ji, G. (2007). Molecular Pain3.
  15. Parkinson, L., Sibbritt, D., Bolton, P., van Rotterdam, J., & Villadsen, I. (2012). Clinical Rheumatology32(2), 167–180.
  16. Renström, P., & Johnson, R. J. (1985). Overuse injuries in sport. Sports Medicine2(5), 316–333.
  17. Schaible, H.-G., Richter, F., Ebersberger, A., Boettger, M. K., Vanegas, H., Natura, G., Vazquez, E., Segond von Banchet, G. (2009). Experimental Brain Research196(1), 153–162.
  18. Sherwood, E., Toliver-Kinsky, T. (2004). Mechanisms of the inflammatory response. Best practice & research clinical Anaesthesiology, 18(3), 385-405.
  19. Sinusas, K. (2012). Diagnosis and Treatment.
  20. Smith, S. M., Sumar, B., & Dixon, K. A. (2013). Musculoskeletal pain in overweight and obese children. International Journal of Obesity. 
  21. Stucki, M. O. (2000). Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology29(113), 78–85.
  22. Trayes, K. P., Studdiford, J. S., Pickle, S., & Tully, A. S. (2013). Edema: Diagnosis and Management. 88(2), 102-110.
  23. Tukker, A., Visscher, T., Picavet, H. (2008). Overweight and health problems of the lower extremities. Public health nutrition.
  24. Van Laar, M., Pergolizzi, J. V., Mellinghoff, H.-U., Merchante, I. M., Nalamachu, S., O’Brien, J., Perrot, S., Raffa, B. (2012). 6, 320-330
  25. Wang, Y., Li, S., Zhang, Y., Chen, Y., Yan, f., Han, L., Ma, Yuxia. (2021). Heat and cold therapy reduce pain in patients with delayed onset muscle soreness: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 32 randomized controlled trials. Physical therapy in sport, (48), 177-187.

Meet fisiocrem sponsored athlete Challise, a mother of three and a swimming instructor on the Gold Coast. She finds joy in travelling to discover the wonders of the natural outdoors.

Challise’s preferred sport is long-distance running, but following a recent back injury, she has reintroduced swimming into her routine as a form of cross-training. Swimming helps her maintain cardiovascular fitness while alleviating pressure on her discs and vertebrae. Additionally, she enjoys paddle boarding and kayaking alongside her husband and children.

In 2023, Challise faced an exceptionally challenging year, enduring three severe injuries: a ruptured ankle, a broken elbow, and a ruptured UCL, along with severe kidney damage. Despite these setbacks, Challise remained resilient and aspired to complete several hiking trips around Tasmania. This included an 82-kilometre track ultra with her elbow immobilised in a brace. Throughout her recovery, she prioritised maintaining movement to nurture both her mental and physical well-being, ensuring a smooth return to activity when the time was right. She says, “I try to laugh and have a great time in whatever I’m doing.”

Challise eagerly anticipates 2024, as she plans to integrate swimming into her event schedule. By incorporating a variety of individual running, swimming, and aquathon events, she aims to diversify her training regimen. To avoid surgery for her back injury, Challise is diligently focusing on building stability. She has enlisted the help of a colleague for regular swim coaching and is making thoughtful decisions regarding her running training and event participation. Additionally, she is paying close attention to her nutrition to support her fitness goals.

Additionally, she has enlisted the help of a colleague for regular swim coaching and is making thoughtful decisions regarding her running training and event participation.

Challise says her biggest supporters are “My family, along with my eldest child who has a physical disability. I try to lead by example in every moment I have.”


Challise’s top recovery tips are “Listen to your body, challenge it appropriately, and nourish it with necessary rest and recovery.”

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